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Simply put, we are a human resource consulting company.  We provide human resource services to small to mid-sized Michigan based companies.  We focus on employment laws, compliance, and regulations related to Federal and state guidelines.

Beacon HR Consulting of MI takes the guesswork out of the equation by assuming the role as your human resource provider.  Whether you have a single employee or hundreds, your employees are able to contact us directly with any issues, concerns, or questions. You not only are provided with personal and direct service, you get the answers you need when you need them- FAST.

We Are Your HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT.  Because we are a Michigan company and service only Michigan small business owners, we have the advantage of being your neighbor.  This allows for daily services to be off-site and conduct on-site visits on a schedule that meets your needs.  Additionally, we are available for impromptu meetings and visits as needed.  All record keeping is housed in our offices and electronically as well, saving you the hassle and space.   We can provide support your current Human Resources staff or BE your HR department! You hire the skills that you need and when you need them. This results in you having much more flexibility when managing your budget and resources.

By working with Beacon, you save more than $60,000 per year. How? There is no need to hire a permanent HR staff which means no overhead or headcount cost, which alone equals more than $15,000.  You do not need to pay for employee benefit costs such as: medical insurance, life insurance, health insurance, retirement and pension plan contributions, and all related administrative costs.  No need to pay for personal days off, holiday pay, vacation days.  This translates into additional dollars for your company while getting the protection you need.

Recent government statistics show that employers paid more than $53 million when they failed to comply with Federal employment laws
◊ The EEOC reported $29 million paid for Title VII violations
$12 million paid for ADA violations last year alone reported by the EEOC
◊ Employment litigation has risen 2,000% since 1995
◊ The average legal case cost $50,000 per case
◊ There are more than 6,000 federal code sections and more than 39,000 pages of employment regulations
◊ The average settlement is $256,000 per case

Source: The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The Small Business Administration.

We understand that operating your business takes an abundance of time, hard work and concentrated effort to be successful. Larger companies have learned to concentrate their efforts on the "core competencies" to maximize their profits by putting in place the services needed to deal with employee and governmental issues. Traditionally, these are Human Resource and Safety professionals who deal with the day to day issues and government regulations.

For smaller companies who do not employ these professionals, these employee and government issues are added onto the business owners and business offices long list of responsibilities. This in turn reduces the businesses ability to focus their efforts on profitability and services.  Congratulations! You have just found a solution.

Beacon HR Consulting of Michigan can implement solutions into your business to address daily employee, compliance, and training practices.  We can administer the entire HR operation for you. We can help take the stress out of managing your business so that you can be freed-up to do the things that you do best, the things that make your business profitable and the things you really need to get done.

To help you grow your business & revenues
To save you money, time & resources
To deliver expert, professional & measurable support
To organize your operations
